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At RCS our mission is to create a " of learners, we are committed to creating a school climate that encourages positive self esteem, critical thinking, responsibility, mutual respect, citizenship, and a life-long love of learning."

Read the information below and click on the links for classroom newsletters containing activities intended to enrich student learning during this extended school closure.

Mighty Milers

While RCS is closed I would like to give our students the opportunity to still earn their Mighty Milers sessions. I am including a log for your student to fill out while at home. Please have them include the name of the activity and under the date how long they participated in that activity. These should be gross motor movement activities. These  can include a jog down the street, time outside playing in the yard, or bike rides.

It looks like we will have some nice weather coming our way and I hope they can get outside. For those inclement weather days the students will love  doing 

movement breaks.  

This is also a great opportunity for our middle school students to earn some sessions toward their next awesome swag item! Click the link below for the running log.

Hope you stay healthy!

Closure running log

Scholastic: Learn at home website- Scholastic is now offering free online learning through their website. Click here to access the resources.


Click here for Reading and Writing Activities

NEW Click here for a GREAT reading resource!

NEW click here for author Kate Messner"s Youtube page for 

read alouds!

Article: Instructions on Social Distancing

PE Activities:

3-4 Color Workout

Mission Possible

Physical Activity at Home

NEW: Online Physical Education Network


Visual Art Exploration


Music Exploration


Technology resources

Speech & Language

Speech & Language Activities

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Newsletter


Tumble Book Library - This database includes talking books,

read-along chapter books and much more.  Check it out!

NEW: Cultural Resources link

NEW: Write a letter to a nursing home resident!

Click on this link to find out more.









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Physical Therapy:

Enrichment Newsletters- March 13-30

Classroom Weekly Schedules June 15 & 16

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